ABA Blawg 100 β€”We’re big time! (And alphabetically right above Popehat.)

We are Popehat’s hat.

We made the 6th Annual ABA Blawg 100! Per our official ABA Blawg 100 profile:

Simple Justice’s Scott Greenfield calls Jordan Rushie and Leo Mulvihill β€œtwo kid lawyers with moxie, a sense of humor and a serious focus on what it means to start out in the practice of law.” These relatively new lawyers joined forces* early this year to blog and practice in their own small shop. In posts, they (mostly Rushie) log the unwritten rules they are gradually learning from experience and other practitioners about trial practice and finding clients.

Words of high praise from one of the internet’s foremost curmudgeons.

Thank you for the nomination β€” now vote for us here. [ed. – We’re under “Trial Practice.” Go figure.]

*The way this is written makes us sound like the Superfriends. Jordan would be Aquaman.

Update November 27, 2012:Β Eric Turkewitz has some nice words for us:

But the Blawg100 list does have value in that it can point readers to new blogs that they might not have noticed before, such as theΒ Philly Law BlogΒ β€” by two young lawyers with a fearless candor, acknowledging that they are young pups that are just learning. These are the kinds of guys that mentors love, the type who ask questions, work hard and don’t try to bluff with bad answers.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. We’re honored to be in the Blawg 100 list with you.

One Response to ABA Blawg 100 β€”We’re big time! (And alphabetically right above Popehat.)

  1. Shawn says:

    Awesome! Thanks for linking, and since you and Popehat are in two separate categories, I didn’t feel bad about voting for the both of you! Also: Law and the Multiverse is on there! If you don’t read them you should!

    Sadly “Below the Bar” was not listed…

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